Welcome to WhatisPaintball.com

Hi everybody welcome to Whatispaintball.com the site for those who don't know squat about paintball and want to know more.  But don't get me wrong, this site isn't just for those who have never heard of or just started paintball, we will definitely have a lot more to offer for those who have been playing for years! Right now the site is under MAJOR construction.  The only workable links are the forums and what is paintball links and the review & articles section.  If any of you have any ideas or contributions to this site weather it is a picture, or an article you would not mind having put up by all means you can e-mail me at tigurius [a t] whatispaintball [d0t] com. FAQ up and more being added

July 20 2009

Wow, I can't believe people still go to this site, I am very grateful. I still want to do something with this site but I honestly have not had the time. If anybody does have the time to do something on this site with me, please send me an e-mail to tigurius [a t] gmail [d0t] com.

November 27 2004
Sorry everybody I accidently deleted the database containing the new site and all the new articles (about 15 or so) either we will get it all back, or we won't i can redo the new site, but it will take sometime. In the mean time I am looking for someone who can create cool looking bumper stickers that can see our domain name from far away.  E

August 23 2004
Added a new Tech Section, this section is being looked after by Jerry "Kan Man" K.  A certified tech from No Show Paintball LTD.  I also have created a new section called "New To Paintball?" this will contain any and all articles specifically relating to those who have never played paintball or want to find out more information about it.  I also have added several articles to the Articles page.  More news to come!

June 15, 2004
A few articles added in the last few months, fixed the forums.

October 22, 2003
Added a couple more articles check them out.  As well as I added a jIRC applet so that you can come join us on #Paintball Undernet on IRC:-) if you have mIRC (http://www.mirc.com/) you can log on to any Undernet server (irc.undernet.org) and join channel #Paintball hope to see you there.